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When describing employers that are actively hiring and whose work resources are in high demand, you could use the following phrases:

  1. In-demand employers: These are employers that are highly sought after by job seekers due to their reputation, competitive salaries, and benefits, and/or opportunities for growth and advancement.

  2. Hot employers: This phrase emphasizes the high demand for the employer and its work resources. It suggests that there is intense competition for available job openings.

  3. Top employers: This phrase implies that the employer is considered among the best in its industry or region, and as such, attracts a lot of interest from job seekers.

  4. Competitive employers: This phrase highlights the employer’s ability to offer attractive compensation packages and benefits, which are often a major factor for candidates when choosing a job.

  5. Progressive employers: This phrase emphasizes an employer’s forward-thinking approach to workplace culture, diversity, and inclusion, which can be particularly appealing to job seekers looking for an employer that aligns with their values.

  6. Growing employers: This phrase suggests that the employer is expanding, and as such, has a higher demand for talent to support its growth.

Overall, when describing employers that are hiring staff and whose work resources are in high demand, it’s important to convey the employer’s strengths and why it’s an attractive place to work. This can help attract top talent and position the employer as a desirable option in a competitive job market.

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